Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Broadway Cafe

Upon perusing my Scoutmob coupons, I saw one for Broadway Cafe.  I flashbacked to my college days and a dinner I ate there with a vegetarian friend.  I even remembered what I had ordered - an eggplant curry.  Did I remember because the food was stellar or just because I could afford to eat out so rarely back then?  Whatever the reason, it was still open and with a 50% discount, I thought I'd check it out.  I wanted to look at the menu beforehand so I searched online for the restaurant.  I thought Google had failed me and finally had to call the cafe to ask if they had a website.  No website!  What?!   Even the guys who sell popsicles down the street have a website.  The woman I spoke with did offer to email me a menu and promptly did so.  Still, wouldn't a website be easier?

My trusty lunch companion and I met at the corner of Briarcliff and Lavista.  Broadway Cafe would be easy to miss in a nondescript strip mall.  The inside looked clean and cheerful with wooden tables and booths.  Luckily I had looked over the menu because there was a little of everything including pizza, pasta and sandwiches.  The entree list is a (mostly) vegetarian trip around the world - Mooshu Vegetables, Thai Stir-fry, Jambalaya, Quesadillas etc.  I chose the Mumbai vegetables (a chef's speciality) and my dining partner chose the Middle Eastern Platter.

When our food arrived, I thought my vegetables looked great while the color of my friend's dish seemed a bit muted.  Her hummus was a bit gray, the salad wasn't vibrant and her pita looked a bit dry.  Mine looked very colorful and was chocked full of cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes and more over brown rice.  Alas, the color did not make up for the lack of seasoning.  It needed a bit more salt and spices.  As I ate, I got bites of ginger which perked up my taste buds but overall the dish was lacking flavor.  I also had a bite of hummus which was very stodgy and could have used more tahini and lemon.  The falafels were pretty good though.  Our meals had appeared fairly healthy, so of course we thought we deserved some beignets for dessert.  A large bowl of powder-sugar coated mounds appeared in front of us.  As fried dough goes, I've had better.  These were soft and sweet but not up to New Orleans' standards.  It satiated my sweet tooth but I wasn't compelled to eat more than a couple.

It is nice that Broadway Cafe has so many vegetarian and vegan options (they also serve fish).  If you eat out a lot and in search of some healthier options, this is a good place to try.  If you're like me and force your family to eat quinoa and kale on a regular basis, Broadway Cafe may not be different or exciting enough.   

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