Friday, May 6, 2011

Highland Bakery

Highland Bakery in Old Fourth Ward is a popular place.  I went there on a Wednesday around 11.30am for an early lunch since I hadn't had much of a breakfast.  There were still lots of people in there finishing up breakfast and without a lull, the lunch crowd moved in.  The lunch menu had a lot of vegetarian sandwich options but the breakfast menu sounded more fun.  The options ranged from pancakes and eggs to black eyed peas and grits.  I didn't want something sweet - for now at least - so I decided to go with the 'Cilantro Corn Pancakes.'

Soon, a lot of food arrived in front of me - sour cream and salsa sat on top of two fried eggs, on top of a corn pancake, on top of a pile of black beans, on top of another corn pancake.  Even though I was starving, I never did get to the pancake on the bottom.  The salsa on egg was my favorite part - so simple yet I never manage to make this at home.  The corn pancake tasted of corn but was dry on its own and just became mushy when eaten with the beans.  If I made this dish, I'd make a crisper, crunchier type of corn cake.  All of the elements on the plate were too similar in texture.  My other gripe with this dish is that the beans were fairly bland on their own.  I love black beans but these really need a lot of salsa mixed in to add some flavor. 

In the end, I was happily full but would try something else when I go back.  And I will go back because the place has a welcoming vibe.  It's a modern bakery with a sunny, open dining area - which can also get quite loud.  There are some tables outside on the sidewalk of Highland Ave. as well.  If you just want a little treat , you can pick something from the bakery counter.  I am not into cupcakes topped with frosting piled inches high so I went for an oatmeal, raisin cookie.  That might sound boring but it was chewy, not too sweet and added sunflower seeds were a nice twist.  Yes, I might have to go back very soon.

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