Monday, September 27, 2010

Pizza Redemption

Pizza was ubiquitous during a large portion of my life.  Four years of college followed by many company lunch meetings provided countless opportunities to experience mediocre, greasy, and just plain awful pizza.  But I kept on eating it primarily because it was free.  Eventually I swore off pizza.  If I was going to take in a huge amount of calories, what I was eating had better be worth it.  Fast forward a few years to recently when I discovered Fritti.  Their pizza looked good enough to make me give it another shot.  Fritti serves Neapolitan-style pies so the crust in on the thin side while still chewy.  I tried the Carciofi e Olive (Artichoke and Olive) and Robiola e Pesto (Goat cheese and Arugula Pesto).  Both were tasty although the olive one was a tad too salty.  My daughter, who is an olive aficionado, thought it was heavenly.  I preferred the other pizza.  The goat cheese was slightly tart and was topped with sweet sun-dried tomatoes and dollops of pesto.  The arugula pesto was so fresh tasting that I wanted to run home and whip up a batch to eat on everything.  There are quite a few other vegetarian options and even a vegan choice on the menu.  Even though I don't plan on eating pizza as often as I once did, if I eat at Fritti, there should be no regrets.

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